
Visiting Friedrich-List-Schule aka FLS


On day 3 after we visited the theater our teacher took us to a school called Friedrich-List-Schule, shortly put FLS. There we got to learn about not only the German school system but also about the students. Their teacher Katrin introduced us to a new game called Truth or lie in which one tells two truths and one lie about themselves while the others try to guess which is the lie. It was very much fun to hear both the facts and the fakes about the Germans and our Finns as well.

Their school differs from ours in a way that they don’t spend much time in the school building itself, it’s mostly learning on the job for the Germans. They don’t get free lunch in school like we do but their cafeterias are really nice and their food is much cheaper than ours.

We even got a small tour of the school, seeing all the important places like the bathrooms and cafeterias. The food was really nice even though we had a lovely big breakfast in our hostel and thus didn’t eat much at the school. Altogether a really nice day!


School yard

The germans showed us the school

Suvi and germans teacher Katrin

Our classroom

German students, who are really cool!

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